原帖由 history9a 於 2006-11-2 12:01 PM 發表
9中學生校門前群毆被捕 (明報) 11月 02日 星期四 05:05AM
【明報專訊】何文田五旬節中學門外昨午發生學生群毆事件。兩批共7名疑有積怨的中三、中四學生,午膳時間在校門外相遇,爭執後大打出手,不敵一方更「吹 ...
9 stupid idiots got into a fight becasue of taxi! What were they thinking? There are a lot of taix for hire, why didn't they just find another one? It is just so stupid that they fight because of taxi. If, I do not encourage violence, they got into a fight for something else like if they kill your parents, that might be a good reason, but fight because of taxi is just TOO STUPID! Be mature!