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標題: [足球]Beckham go to LA
  Jeter     Rank: 3
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註冊 2006-7-12
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發表於 2007-1-12 08:04 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
[足球]Beckham go to LA

According in www.yahoo.com sport,take a look in there.

最後編輯: antonylau : 2007-2-8 05:29 PM

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發表於 2007-1-13 10:24 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
it's ridiculous~ The US soccer club will sign a contract of 5-years, worth 128M (pounds) with him...... i believe he will be the highest salary player in sports world~


antonylau     Rank: 3
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發表於 2007-1-13 11:53 AM  資料  個人空間  主頁 短訊  加為好友  添加 antonylau 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 antonylau 交談 ICQ 狀態 Yahoo!


Edmund (馬拉糕)     Rank: 6Rank: 6
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發表於 2007-1-13 05:10 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友  添加 Edmund 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 Edmund 交談 ICQ 狀態 Yahoo!


  larrylee_00     Rank: 2Rank: 2
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註冊 2007-4-17
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發表於 2007-4-17 09:52 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
I can't believe Beckham is joining MLS.  US Soccer is suck.  I never watch it at all.  They can't combine with European team.  The players aren't good at all.


  willy     Rank: 2Rank: 2
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發表於 2007-7-20 08:53 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
thank you for sharing!


woodstock (JQ)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
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註冊 2007-1-7
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發表於 2007-7-20 10:20 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
I am not Beckham's fans but I don't like him to play in U.S. football team either because the level is really different from european soccer .......
read this article if you have time ~~maybe you will get some idea about why he made this choice.



antonylau     Rank: 3
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註冊 2006-6-25
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發表於 2007-7-21 12:02 AM  資料  個人空間  主頁 短訊  加為好友  添加 antonylau 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 antonylau 交談 ICQ 狀態 Yahoo!

It’s been an eventful six months for Beckham since the announcement in January about his move to LA Galaxy from Real Madrid. After being told he would never play again for the Spanish club, he battled his way back into the starting 11 and was instrumental in bringing the title to the Bernabeu for the first time since he joined in 2003. He also returned from the international wilderness to give England a much-needed boost and reclaim his place as the golden boy of English football.

But at the time the deal was revealed Beckham was down in the dumps. It seemed like a decision made from a desperate position and one that would come back to haunt him. Now he’s back on top of things, there is evidence to suggest he might be regretting his choice slightly. Beckham has said that he no longer felt wanted at Madrid when he made his decision but that he feels he could still do a job for the Spanish champions for another three seasons.  There are certainly plenty of people who think he’s made a massive mistake and that the move is for financial not football reasons. Critics say the level of football is so low in the US that his standards will drop and that the pressure of travelling long distances, across time zones for domestic and international games will take its toll on the 32-year-old. When you throw in the strains of maintaining a glamorous profile on the red carpets of Tinseltown, it’s clear that he’s got his work cut out. But if it’s one thing Beckham has taught us since he shot to fame with a goal from inside his own half in 1996 it’s that we should never write him off.

Driving force

So as he begins the next chapter in his life, the jury is still very much out. As usual his critics have been very vocal but maybe they’ve jumped the gun. Maybe he’s made the best decision of his life. In footballing terms, Beckham is a spent force.  Yes, he was the driving force behind Real’s epic run in but he’d been sat on the sidelines for a long time so he was fresh and his energy and enthusiasm shone through. To think that proves he can perform for a top flight club consistently and sustain those high levels over the next three seasons is ludicrous. He’s much better off putting himself through his paces and keeping in shape against lesser opposition and then stepping up to the national team feeling fresher than his European-based counterparts. He’d still be an asset to LA Galaxy and it would suit England’s needs well.

Beckham could well be the making of football in the US. Sure, other stars have played there in the past, such as Pele and George Best, but Beckham is in a world all of his own. Not as a player, but as a package. From his marketing activities he’s known globally and his status is unrivalled by any of his predecessors. His image makes him the ideal ambassador to make football popular in the States and he probably owes that mostly to his wife. Americans are aware of Beckham’s sporting prowess, but it is Posh, the Spice Girl, that they are more familiar with. As a couple they are a formidable force and have the marketing clout to make America sit up and take notice. Interest in LA’s latest celebrity couple is currently at fever pitch and Beckham must make sure he takes the opportunity to raise soccer’s profile before the interest begins to fade, which it inevitably will. If he can do this and he does manage to elevate football to the mainstream in the US, it would arguably represent his greatest achievement to date – it’s certainly his biggest challenge.


Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho believes Beckham is the ideal player to take Major League Soccer to the masses. In a recent interview he said that he didn’t think LA Galaxy could choose a better player to achieve what they want to achieve. Beckham may appreciate the endorsement, but it does pile on yet more pressure. LA Galaxy (and indeed the entire US) is expecting great things from a sports star who cost a lot of money and Beckham’s style of play may not give them quite what they were hoping for. He’s no show pony; he’s a dedicated team player. But, while he may not wow the crowds with electric  dribbling skills he still has the ability to make an impact and we mustn’t forget that he’s a player who has thrived in pressure situations throughout his career.

If footballing issues are put to one side, the decision to go to the US is clearly a good one for Beckham. While he’s not short of a bob or two, the deal secures the long-term stability for his family. He won’t be able to attract lucrative footballing and commercial contracts forever, so it is in his best interest to milk every last penny while he’s in a position to do so.  Then there is the quality of life he will enjoy in LA. Media intrusion has plagued the Beckhams’ lives for a decade and even in Spain they could not escape the constant attention of the press, but in LA it is likely to be different. Americans have a more relaxed approach to stardom than Europeans and nowhere is this more evident than in LA. In everyday life the Beckhams should be able to go about their business with a minimum of fuss, which is probably a high priority for them and their three young sons after years of living under intense scrutiny.

There will always be people gunning for Beckham, criticising his every move and willing him to fail. There will be people hoping his LA adventure turns sour and he comes back with his tail between his legs in next to no time, just so they can say they were right. But Beckham has made his choice and he will stand by it. He’s determined to make a go of it Stateside and if anyone can, it’s him. It might take a while, but Beckham’s decision to join LA Galaxy could turn out to be one of the best of his career.




willy: Thanks for sharing!
woodstock: wah ~~ Antony, you post the whole article out ..... thank you anyway ~~

最後回覆日期: 2007-7-21 04:43 AM

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