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電影名稱   導火線 (Flash Point)
電影種類 Action
電影語言 Cantonese
主要演員 甄子丹, 古天樂, 范冰冰, 鄒兆龍, 呂良偉, 鄭則士
導演 葉偉信
電影簡介 - NONE - [ Edit ]
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1 review
標題: 導火線 (Flash Point) [動作] [粵語]
mickeyGoUp     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男

精華 0
帖子 35511
積分 5235   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-3-24
來自 美國滴滴尼
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-8-4 09:43 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
導火線 (Flash Point) [動作] [粵語]

電影名稱 導火線 (Flash Point)
電影種類 動作
電影語言 粵語
主要演員 甄子丹, 古天樂, 范冰冰, 鄒兆龍, 呂良偉, 鄭則士
導演 葉偉信
放映日期 2007-08-09


尋找有關此電影的分享 >> 天藍幫您「搜」


Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
性別 保密
UID 43001

精華 0
帖子 5284
積分 1132   詳情

閱讀權限 50
註冊 2007-9-28
來自 planet earth
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-10-30 12:38 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Cool, i get to write the first review on this highly anticipated HK action film, at least to me it was

I really enjoyed "Kill Zone" "Kill, Break, Wolf", a straight-forward film with a dynamic flow, ..but the few fight scenes were breathtaking..., and blended well with the story (fights took place as needed at the right moment of the plot).

With that being said, "Flash Point" supposed to be the pre-quel of "Kill Zone", again with the dynamic duo production line-up of action actor Donnie Yen (action director) and director Wilson Yip.

Right from the start, the Holywood style fast pace wasn't there, I was thinking the whole time, could it be the cinematography and film editing that messed it up, I didn't the the thrill while watching it, til the last scene out in the field...things started coming together...as if someone else shot it...I am curious if there were more than one photographer involved...

And there wasn't much of chemistry among the actors, even with the use of seasoned actors "Lui Leung Wai" and "Cheng Chung Si", I felt there wasn't much room for these experienced actors to perform in this film...

I did enjoy the last fight scene between Donnie Yen and "Collin Chou (Ngai Sing)" (the Asian action actor in "Matrix 2 and 3", seemed like Donnie Yen added a lot of Jujutsu(deadly joints lock) fighting skills in "Flash Point" but a bit too much for my taste, I felt like I was watching UFC Live out on the street ...haaa

I wish they made better use of the martial art skills with "Xing Yu" of "Kung Fu Hustle"(the muscular Coolie with good kicking skills), the guy is capable of performing much more...

Overall, It was a decent action film, but didn't come close to "Kill Zone" in my opinion.


Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
性別 保密
UID 43001

精華 0
帖子 5284
積分 1132   詳情

閱讀權限 50
註冊 2007-9-28
來自 planet earth
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-10-30 09:15 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
sorry about the typo, meant to write "Right from the start..... I didn't get any thrills while watching it, in fact, I felt quite detached from the film....til the last scene out in the field...


Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
性別 保密
UID 43001

精華 0
帖子 5284
積分 1132   詳情

閱讀權限 50
註冊 2007-9-28
來自 planet earth
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-11-12 02:48 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
you're welcome, just my two cents


mickeyGoUp     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男

精華 0
帖子 35511
積分 5235   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-3-24
來自 美國滴滴尼
狀態 離線

發表於 2007-12-20 08:53 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
雖然聽過幾位朋友都話呢套戲唔得﹐但我相信喜歡 殺破狼 既觀眾﹐都會有一定既好奇心﹐想睇下甄子丹響 導火線 會有點樣表現﹐﹐亦會對葉偉信有一定既期望。

睇完後﹐的確有點失望。  好彩早前已經心理準備﹐ 先未至於完全失望。 (期望低﹐失望機會就自然唔大)。

拍攝手法太似 80 年代電影﹐連 d聲都似 (無乜背景聲音﹐俾人更加覺得有 "錄音室" 既感覺)﹐故事老套﹑無張力﹐人物設計唔惦﹐尤其係呂良偉﹑吳京...等越南仔角式﹐非常無里頭﹐唔明點解佢地幾個人可以響香港惡晒﹐又搵到咁多錢﹐但又來來去去得佢地幾個人。  可能因為故事係發生響 97 前﹐而當時真係咁?  

最期待既﹐當然係最後一場 隻揪 戲啦!  好惜﹐都係冇咩驚喜。 可能係我唔識功夫﹐所以有好之處但我睇唔出?  兩位 打星 都係好好打既演員﹐但睇完都係覺得不外如是﹐點都無 殺破狼 中 甄子丹 同 洪金寶 打得咁好睇。




guciigirl69: Thanks for sharing!

最後回覆日期: 2007-12-20 08:54 PM

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