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電影名稱   Bonneville
電影種類 Drama
電影語言 English
主要演員  Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Joan Allen, Christine Baranski, Victor Rasuk
導演 Christopher N. Rowley
電影簡介 When Arvilla Holden promises her husband that she'll cremate him and scatter his ashes, she doesn't expect her promise to be called so soon, or to lead to a high-stakes fight with her stepdaughter Francine, a Santa Barbara socialite determined to give him a proper burial. Convinced that she has no choice but to surrender the ashes to Francine, Arvilla sets off on a journey from Pocatello, Idaho to Santa Barbara. Her friends, life-of-the-party Margene and goody-two-shoes Carol, volunteer to go with her for moral support. Expecting to fly, they're surprised when Arvilla picks them up in her '66 Pontiac Bonneville convertible, and shocked when she cruises serenely past the airport and hijacks them on a reluctant road trip that becomes the ride of their lives.
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標題: Bonneville (2008-02-29) [劇情] [英語]
mickeyGoUp     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男

精華 0
帖子 35511
積分 5235   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-3-24
來自 美國滴滴尼
狀態 離線

發表於 2008-2-18 08:31 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Bonneville (2008-02-29) [劇情] [英語]

電影名稱 Bonneville (2008-02-29)
電影種類 劇情
電影語言 英語
主要演員 Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Joan Allen, Christine Baranski, Victor Rasuk
導演 Christopher N. Rowley
放映日期 2008-02-29


When Arvilla Holden promises her husband that she'll cremate him and scatter his ashes, she doesn't expect her promise to be called so soon, or to lead to a high-stakes fight with her stepdaughter Francine, a Santa Barbara socialite determined to give him a proper burial. Convinced that she has no choice but to surrender the ashes to Francine, Arvilla sets off on a journey from Pocatello, Idaho to Santa Barbara. Her friends, life-of-the-party Margene and goody-two-shoes Carol, volunteer to go with her for moral support. Expecting to fly, they're surprised when Arvilla picks them up in her '66 Pontiac Bonneville convertible, and shocked when she cruises serenely past the airport and hijacks them on a reluctant road trip that becomes the ride of their lives.


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