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電影名稱   The Uninvited
電影種類 Suspense/Horror
電影語言 English
主要演員 Elizabeth Banks, David Strathairn, Emily Browning, Arielle Kebbel, Jesse Moss
導演 Thomas Guard, Charles Guard
電影簡介 Anna returns home after spending time in the hospital following the tragic death of her mother. Her recovery suffers a setback when she discovers her father has become engaged to her mother's former nurse. That night, Anna is visited by her mother's ghost, who warns her of Rachel's intentions. Together, Anna and her sister try to convince their father that his current fiancée is not who she pretends to be, and what should have been a happy family reunion becomes a lethal battle of wills between stepdaughters and stepmother.
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2 reviews
標題: The Uninvited (2009-1-30)
mickeyGoUp     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男

精華 0
帖子 35511
積分 5235   詳情

閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-3-24
來自 美國滴滴尼
狀態 離線

發表於 2009-8-5 09:07 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
The Uninvited (2009-1-30)

都睇過太多呢一類型既懸疑恐怖片喇!  The Uninvited 您話佢好睇又唔算,您話佢差佢又唔係太差。  我覺得佢係好似 Hide And Seek 果類懸疑片,而唔係 My Bloody Valentines 果類恐怖片,即係較為著墨於劇情方面,商業原素較低。

但講到劇情,The Uninvited 既故事又唔係話咩新鮮題材喎!  講個女主角因為一件不愉快既往事,而令到佢要接受心理治療,康復後出院同父親同當時父親既女朋友相處,加上一個反叛既家姐,大家出現好多唔開心既磨擦,父親夾係中間又好難做...等等。 不過可以一讚既係,故事發展及橋段都睇得出個編劇係花過心思既,唔似得有 d 恐怖片齋靠嚇囉。

總括黎講,如果您係追求刺激驚嚇,The Uninvited 多數會令您失望喇!  但如果當佢係一套半劇情半懸疑電影,都可以一睇既!


mpiipm     Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5
風中藍 (狗仔狗女一小竇)
性別 男
UID 42179

精華 0
帖子 4951
積分 3124   詳情

閱讀權限 60
註冊 2007-7-25
來自 阿媽個肚
狀態 離線

發表於 2009-9-4 01:50 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Nice acting for the teenage girl. An ordinary formula with some surprising twist. No bad overall.

sodog - 遠看是隻狗﹐近看也是狗﹐打我我唔走﹐拉我我先走﹗

  kericnnoe1964     Rank: 2Rank: 2
性別 保密
UID 55047

精華 0
帖子 41
積分 100   詳情

閱讀權限 30
註冊 2022-12-15
狀態 離線

發表於 2022-12-15 02:40 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友  添加 kericnnoe1964 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 kericnnoe1964 交談





最後回覆日期: 2009-9-4 01:50 PM

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