i don't no if anyone will still look at this thread, but whatever, just want to say that, the problem is bandwidth limitation, when you open bt, it probably used up all the lines that ur service provider provided to you, and therefore going onto internet through another tcp would make it not connectable or very slow, this happens very often when service provider split too little bandwidth lines to your ip, all the solution ppl have suggested, like router stuff, are just ways to increase or readjust ur bandwidth lines so that u go online with empty line since sometimes router block majorities of the lines, but since u don't use router, what u can do is to limit the number of connections in bt and also limit the speed, then you can free up some lines for ur internet. Just limiting number of connections and not speed is not enough, becoz the number of lines tends to run parallel to keep up with max speed, so it will still end up using up all lines.
usually bandwidth lines are much more than bt can ever use up but it does happen for crappy service provider, especially hk doesn't support the act of p2p. Well, if u limit ur connection and speed, it should work fine
ultraegg : Not a solution, but thanks for trying to help