Flora 於 2008-2-26 12:07 AM 發表

因為我果時仲要搭 bus 返學.....有次行去 bus stop....咁我急步緊行去個 stop 到....好衰唔衰....我斜對面間屋隻狗唔知點殊出黎.....我行到差唔多去到斜對面間屋既 garage(仲有 5 - 8 步先到)....見到隻野跳出黎係到 ...
wendylo1234 於 2008-2-26 12:52 AM 發表

Since I know a little bit of this breed, let me try to answer you question, German Shepherd is one of the deep chest, working dog breed, their hind legs are very strong, in order to have the most power, the legs are always in ready-go position, A showdog quality German Shepherd their streamline must be like this!
woodstock :
多謝wendy 嘅解答, 咁米奇你明未呀?