回復 #22 mickeyGoUp 的帖子
yup, that's what the format is for
there is no low level format these days anyways unless u use specialize 3rd party software
for the "tak tak" sound, that doesn't really proof if hardware is damaged, a tick occurs when the disc hand stops suddenly and move back to initial position, so when u hear tak tak tak, it's most likely mean drive is retrying to read sth it couldn't read, and since it's a consecutive tak sound, the sector it couldn't read is very close to the beginning which probably is the header. in a case where harddrive cannot read partition will cause this very same sound. either hardware damage on the header sector or software damage is still possible to produce such a sound. But since there are signs that the harddrive is retrying to read sector, it means hard drive isn't totally burnt, or else u will only hear one tick for the hard stop and no sound will be heard from the hard drive after. Plus, the detection of the drive proves alot, if harddrive is badly damaged, detection is not possible, in cases where hd is still detectable, recovering data is highly possbile
so far we can only conclude that the header is damaged(hardware or software), but the actual data we don't no, so first we should see if partition is recoverable, which is the #1 step i posted
i encountered many cases where hard drive are recovered by fixing or recreating the partition
maybe 小美 can post what she see when scanning the drive for partition using the Active@ partition recovery tool?
depending on the behaviour on the scanning, we may conclude more stuff and may have other altenatives
*remark for misunderstanding, high and low level format is different from quick and complete format, complete format sometimes fixes a damaged harddrive becoz it marks the damaged sector as bad and will not use those sector, which will then fix the harddrive that a quick format cannot, both quick and complete are also high level format