S01E17 - …In Translation
Featured character(s): Jin
Michael continues work on his raft, which only has one available spot left as Sawyer has bought a seat on the raft in exchange for building materials. The raft is set on fire and everyone blames Jin. Michael beats up Jin the next morning. Sun then tells him to stop because Jin did not burn the raft. Everyone is surprised that she speaks English, including Jin. Locke says that it was probably the Others. Michael concedes the raft is gone and decides to make a new one. Sun goes to see Jin, who tells her that it is too late to start over. Jin goes back to the beach and helps Michael rebuild the raft, on which he has gained a spot. Walt confesses to Locke that he burned the raft because he likes the island. In flashbacks, it is revealed that the reason Jin once showed up covered in blood was because he beat a man to save him, as Sun's father had requested his death. Jin plans to go to America with Sun to start a new life.
S01E18 - Numbers
Featured character(s): Hurley
Hurley finds that some of Rousseau's documents contain the repeated numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42, the same numbers which Hurley had used to win a lottery jackpot. Hurley sets off on his own and finds Rousseau, who says that she does not know what the numbers mean: only that her party was drawn to the island by a radio transmission that was broadcasting the numbers. The numbers are revealed to be engraved on the side of the hatch. In flashbacks, Hurley wins the lottery, and over the coming weeks, everyone around him suffers increasingly bad luck.
我睇到 episode 18 啦 睇到 Hurley 中 lottery ticket 佢中o既 number 係咪真係中 jor 咒咁 佢地飛機失事去 jor 神秘島又係咪真係因為佢o既 "BAD LUCK" 呢
at the end of episdo 18 嘩 影住 John and Boone 搵到o個個 metal steel door 下面竟然有o個 set number 一定有關聯的 係o個 set number 令到佢地去 jor 神秘島的