yeah, i like it a lot for the more evenly emphasis on both sides of the conflict, and not the typical Good vs Evil as most hollywood films tend to portrait.
as l looked up the film on wiki, the main actor is actually a personal friend of the director who produced the original short film version of "District 9". he gave a very convincing performance for his role in my opinion.
<我希望佢唔好拍 District 10 啦! 會令 District 9 獨特 d!>
i know, but it seems quite likely there will be one. with the hook of "returning in 3 years" promise by the Alien "Christopher" and the now fully transformed "Wikus" in Alien form at the end of the film, plus how well the film did in the box office...
as Linda Hamilton, who played Sarah Connor in "The Terminator" said: "But there will always be those who will try to milk the cow."