ultraegg 於 2010-8-31 01:01 PM 發表
flora, 如果私了, 都起碼要 quote 3 間, 一間係對方搵的, 一個係自己搵, 對比之後, 再搵多間作比較, 最後就由對方決定! 依家係對方話 hit & run? 咁無可能私了喎, 而且有無去備案先, 無的話點講都得o架啦, 好多人都 ...
條友已經去 police 報左案啦, police 都俾左張 volitional*?? ticket 我老豆啦....唔係條友點會話 hit & run
無啊, 2 間都係條友去 quote...見價差唔多咪是但....因為police 話唔使報 insurance, 話唔係好嚴重, 叫我地打電話自己同佢地 deal, 咁我老豆夜晚咪打囉, 佢地勢兇夾惡咁話我老豆做乜有佢屋企電話, 點解係你打黎, 仲話聽日打去 police station 同佢地講完先同我老豆 deal 咁囉....咁跟住佢地話報 insurance, 但唔知乜原因, 肯私了叫我地俾錢整....所以我先問係咪我寫 mutual release 好 D囉.....
仲有佢拎 D quote 黎去我屋企, 個老婆係電話話會搾架車黎俾我地 see, 點知個老公黎左, 我老豆就同佢傾緊, 我遲左一陣先出去, 問佢架車係邊, 佢話無搾黎, 咁我突然間問左句, "Can I have your email address?", 條友即刻窒左窒後問我要黎做乜, 我咪答, "No one answer the phone always" 跟住就即刻話我俾 cell phone # 我....
跟住今日我去左果間整車鋪 (they prefer to fix there) 問加埋租車錢幾多, 咁 print 左新 quote 既俾我, 同埋我問幾時有位, 話最快 Sept 28...咁我同佢講話條友搾左架車黎可唔可以打個電話黎等我望望, 但都無問我電話囉竟然....咁我問返佢, 你唔使要我電話咩, 咁先識問.....之後同我老豆講, 咁佢再打電話俾條友, 打佢屋企, 佢個 15 歲既女話佢地未返, half hr 再打, same answer, 咁打個 cell phone #, 唔接, 再打多次, 都係唔接, 咁我咪留言話 "Hi, this Ms. Cheung regarding about the car, we went to repair shop today, and they said their earliest date would be Sept 28, if you are ok with the date, then we will reconfirm with the repair shop and book the date for you, please return the call as soon as possible" 咁囉...
咁 mutual release 我諗緊我寫唔寫好....我老豆同我阿媽點都會叫埋我架啦, 佢地都唔識英文
P.S. 最新情況係, 會同 broker 備案, if they didn't return my message tomorrow or my parents can't deal with them on phone directly tomorrow, we may go thru insurance by our own....