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標題: Why ordinary people do evil ... or do good
Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
性別 保密
UID 43001

精華 0
帖子 5284
積分 1132   詳情

閱讀權限 50
註冊 2007-9-28
來自 planet earth
狀態 離線

發表於 2009-8-10 01:23 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Why ordinary people do evil ... or do good

Philip Zimbardo knows how easy it is for nice people to turn bad. In this talk, he shares insights and graphic unseen photos from the Abu Ghraib trials. Then he talks about the flip side: how easy it is to be a hero, and how we can rise to the challenge.

Don't follow the crowd: that's the easiest way to get lost.

What does not kill me makes me stronger.


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