benedictling: 最後嗰集,我覺得Kate好自私law...佢自己唔想返回原來嘅生活(被人追捕)所以唔想jack去引爆個炸彈。
mickeyGoUp: 定係之前從來冇發生過,所以冇果段記憶,而 Sayid 返左去 1977 改左個 history 呢?
benedictling: 定係之前從來冇發生過,所以冇果段記憶,而 Sayid 返左去 1977 改左個 history 呢? is hard to tell la....
MT: happen jor 就 happen jor history 唔改到o架
如果講 juliet 引爆炸彈後佢地失哂憶 飛機冇事o係 LA 降落 之前死哂o個班 boone, shannon, ana lucia, libby, etc etc 全部冇事 仲有o野睇咩 ???
benedictling: 如果講 juliet 引爆炸彈後佢地失哂憶 飛機冇事o係 LA 降落 之前死哂o個班 boone, shannon, ana lucia, libby, etc etc 全部冇事 仲有o野睇咩 ?
MT.....that's what Daniel's theory, and Jack is going to do it in season 5.....
mickeyGoUp: MT: happen jor 就 happen jor history 唔改到o架
有兩種 time travel 既橋段,一種係好似 terminator 第一集 (or Somewhere In Time),history 係改唔到既; 另一種係好似 Back To The Future 咁,history 改左,令 未來 分支另一條 timeline。 前者係我較喜歡既說法,因為易明 d; 後者都唔係冇可能,只係難 d 去解釋或理解,要用唔同 "空間" 去解釋。
MT: 期待 season 6 中
mickeyGoUp: flashback 中,Jacob 去探過佢地每一位,唔知係咪想將佢地 connect 埋既事前功夫呢?
mickeyGoUp: Jacob 可以 "brought the sailboat to the island",亦可以 "brought Oceanic 815 to the island" 喎!
mickeyGoUp: ben, 您之前提過既 三次原空間,係乜黎架? 3rd dimension?
MT: 你地都未答我 比 ben/john 殺死 jor o個個 jacob 係咪 fake ... 點解佢死得咁兒戲 ...
MT: 原帖由
mickeyGoUp 於 2009-9-23 03:21 AM 發表
Jacob 可以 "brought the sailboat to the island",亦可以 "brought Oceanic 815 to the island" 喎!
你覺得 oceanic 815 真係 jacob brought o架 ??
benedictling: ben, 您之前提過既 三次原空間,係乜黎架? 3rd dimension?
Yes ar. 4th dimension is include "TIME".
benedictling: I just don't get it what's the point to bring all these transports to the island?
mickeyGoUp: MT: 你地都未答我 比 ben/john 殺死 jor o個個 jacob 係咪 fake ... 點解佢死得咁兒戲 ...
我都覺得應該冇咁兒戲既! 而 time travel 故事有度好,可以 flashback/flashforward 咁玩
benedictling: 你覺得 oceanic 815 真係 jacob brought o架
I am not sure about this....but as i remember Oceanic 815 crahsed to the island because of some kind of energy explore....Am i correct?
benedictling: 我都覺得應該冇咁兒戲既! 而 time travel 故事有度好,可以 flashback/flashforward 咁玩
yes ar.
MT: 原帖由
benedictling 於 2009-9-23 03:55 AM 發表
I just don't get it what's the point to bring all these transports to the island?
yea yea
mickeyGoUp: benedictling: I just don't get it what's the point to bring all these transports to the island?
like that man said in the beginning of episode 16: Jacob wants to prove him wrong on something. Seems like Oceanic 815 is only one of Jacob's "experiments". He has brought different people to the island before
mickeyGoUp: And like the man said, they come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt, and these just happen over and over again. But Jacob does not think so, that's why he kept bringing different people to the island. Oceanic 815 is one of them. (that's my guess only)