myword, interesting review. How much is the HP 2133?
收買佬, I can't help but to agree with you. Even I own a Eee, I wouldn't really recommend it unless one has extra money or want to get a toy just for fun. And I would get one that is $350 or under. I bring it to work everyday so I can use it for personal stuff such as surfing the web, IM...etc., and I have to carry my work laptop also, so the Eee does not add too much more weight, which is good. But other than that, I don't use it much.
As for the PMP choices, I think you are right. People ask for more and more and they want to get an all-in-one device. And it also depends on the country. In countries where people take public transportation all the time, they get more opportunity to watch video on the road. But then, most of them rather use their phone to kill time or ipod to kill time. For travelers, they wouldn't mind carry a mini notebook or netbook only a little more heavier (and bigger) but can do so much more.