LIPSCorner X'mas Gift Exchange 2007
在今年聖誕節﹐在2007年結束前﹐寄出一份小禮物﹐為遠方的他/她帶來一絲暖意! 同時﹐也等待迎接一份由遠地送來給您的小心意! 齊來參與一個真正的「網友交換禮物」行動吧!
1. 在十二月七日前回覆這主題﹐填上一句任何有關「聖誕老人」的句子 (中英皆可)。例如:
2. PM 給 mickeyGoUp﹐告知以下資料:
送禮對象性別首選: 男 / 女 / 沒所謂
禮物價值下限: HKD 40 / HKD 80
3. 預備一份小禮物﹐價值必須高於您所選擇的「禮物價值下限」。
4. mickeyGoUp 會給您一位參與會員的姓名及郵寄地址
5. 盡快把禮物寄給該位會員﹐並在內註明: 「2007新天藍網友交換禮物行動」及 您在回覆(Step 1)時填上的聖誕老人句子 。您可自行選擇是否填上真名/會員名。
我們會因應您所寄到的地區﹐而安排由該地區的參與朋友送禮物給您。即例如: 您把禮物由香港寄到美國﹐您便會收到一份由美/加寄來的禮物﹐而不是由澳門或香港寄來的禮物﹐否則便很不公平了。 雖則說我們會盡量安排﹐但仍不能保證可以絕對公平的分配﹐希望各參與的朋友明白及體諒。
XG 獎勵說明:
凡有份參與﹐而對方又真的收到禮物﹐便能得到 50 XG
網友投票選出最喜愛的禮物﹐送出者便能獲得 100 XG
網友投票選出最喜愛的聖誕老人語句﹐作者便能獲得 70 XG
如送禮者的禮物被選為「最受網友歡迎禮物」﹐同時他/她的聖誕老人語句被選為「最正聖誕老人語句」﹐便能獲得 150 XG!
Christmas is coming, and 2007 is going to end soon! Let's all participate in this year LIPSCorner Gift Exchange by sending a warm gift to the far-far-away him or her! And also receive a gift from someone who cares!
To participate, just follow these five easy steps:
1. By December 7, 2007, reply this thread with a sentence about Santa Claus. E.g., "My favorite Santa Claus is my dad in the Santa Claus costume."
2. Send a PM to mickeyGoUp, with the following information:
Your name and mailing address
Gender preference of the person you are sending the gift to: Male / Female / No Preference
Gift minimum value: HKD 40 / HKD 80
3. Prepare a small gift, which value no less than the amount you picked
4. mickeyGoUp will tell you a participant's name and mailing address
5. send your gift to that person as soon as possible, include a note that says "LIPSCorner Christmas Gift Exchange 2007" and the "Santa Claus" sentence you replied.
There is no upper limit for the gift value, but please respect this game and the participants, and send a gift no less than the amount you picked in the "Gift minimum value". And please pick your gift with care. You may also pick a gift that represent the country/place you live in.
To be fair, we will select your "gift sender" based on the place you are sending your gift to. E.g., if you are in Hong Kong and you are sending a gift to U.S.A., you will then receive a gift from somewhere like U.S.A. or Canada, but not from Hong Kong or Macau. Although there is no guarantee, we will do our best to come out with a fair arrangement. Thank you for your support.
After you all received the gifts, we will start another thread and let you share your thoughts/feeling/photos of the gift you received. And we will start a polling to let members vote for the most popular gift/Santa-Claus-Sentence...etc.
XG Prize information:
Every participate whose gift was successfully and promptly delivered to the recipient, s/he will get 50 XG.
If your gift gets the most member vote count, you will receive 100 XG
網友投票選出最喜愛的禮物﹐送出者便能獲得 100 XG
If your "Santa Claus Sentence" gets the most member vote count, you will receive 70 XG.
If both your gift and your "Santa Claus Sentence" gets the most member vote count, you will receive 150 XG!
Updated 2007-12-10
There are two members who have replied, but never pm-ed me with their addresses. So I had no choice but to remove them from the gift exchange.
Their greetings have been moved to 快速美言.
admin : Because woodstock and 可澄's results were so close, we have two winners!
Thanks for your participation! For the polling detail, please see: