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標題: [求助] Burning DATA DVD error?
  s201314j     Rank: 2Rank: 2
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閱讀權限 30
註冊 2006-8-16
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發表於 2006-8-16 10:50 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Burning DATA DVD error?

此 X-Seek 主題價值 100 XS。 (天藍出手)
X-Seek 出題者 s201314j 希望能在 2006-8-30 10:50 AM 前尋找到解決方案。
已於 2006-9-26 12:10 AM 由 admin 選出最合適的解決方案及關閉 X-Seek 主題。

Hi, i am using
P4 3.0

everytime i try to copy RMVB movies as Data DVD+R, error occur during burning, is it because i am using english XP SP2 and the RMVB movies are in chinese?  But i did try to rename all RMVB to english name, but error still occur during burning, 15 blank wasted already, and the DVD+R are not cheap brand. i am using NERO 7, the LG DVDRW is less than 1 yr old, is it because some of the RMVB movies have errors? plz help, thx

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最後編輯: mickeyGoUp : 2006-8-16 11:14 PM

咖喱仔     Rank: 3
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註冊 2006-8-12
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發表於 2006-8-16 05:16 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
when u bure ur dvd, u select your ISO char code as multibyte in nero, if you think ur problem is chinese char problem.

admin :
Thanks for pointing out an important setting in Nero.

X-Seek 解決方案 1/6  [ 觀看下一個解決方案 ]  

elia     Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5
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註冊 2006-7-4
來自 水平線下
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發表於 2006-8-16 08:23 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
回復 #2 咖喱仔 的帖子

what for error do you mean? you cannot finish the burning or you cannot see the DVD+R from t.v.?
If you cannot see the DVD+R film from t.v. , that's normal, because DVD apparatus  don't get any support op RMVB.
If you can read the DVD+R film  from your PC, that means your DVD RW is O.K.


  userjohn     Rank: 2Rank: 2
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註冊 2006-8-8
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發表於 2006-8-16 08:37 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Did you English XP support chinese character? Try also soft update your Dvd brunner.

admin :
Upgrading vendor firmware/driver could be a solution to this problem.

X-Seek 解決方案 2/6  [ 觀看下一個解決方案 ]  

  s201314j     Rank: 2Rank: 2
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UID 7085

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閱讀權限 30
註冊 2006-8-16
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發表於 2006-8-17 04:49 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
how to select ISO char code as multibyte in nero?


alanhkk     Rank: 4Rank: 4
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註冊 2006-7-21
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發表於 2006-8-17 06:10 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 

原帖由 s201314j 於 2006-8-17 04:49 AM 發表
how to select ISO char code as multibyte in nero?

如果你要燒錄DVD-R  你必須將檔案轉為avi
或是有 ISO檔 用酒精120%拷貝即可

我覺得可能係隻writer有問題,你可以試下燒其他野落隻dvd度,睇下work唔work,如果work,就係d movie有問題,如果唔work,就應該係writer有問題,你仲可以先睇下d線有冇插緊,或者轉第二隻牌子既dvd好像Verbatim同三菱都幾好,有時鬆左線都會燒唔到

admin :
Cable connection could be a cause to this problem, although rarely happens.

X-Seek 解決方案 3/6  [ 觀看下一個解決方案 ]  

最後編輯: alanhkk : 2006-8-18 02:39 PM

elia     Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5
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閱讀權限 60
註冊 2006-7-4
來自 水平線下
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發表於 2006-8-18 04:56 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 

原帖由 alanhkk 於 2006-8-17 18:10 發表

如果你要燒錄DVD-R  你必須將檔案轉為avi
或是有 ISO檔 用酒精120%拷貝即可

如果將檔案轉為avi,燒錄後可在 DVD 機播放嗎?


  joel80     Rank: 3
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註冊 2006-8-17
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發表於 2006-8-18 02:01 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
1。 请问你要burn data disk or DVD movie disc?
      data disc only can read in PC. DVD movie can play in DVD player.
      如果你要DVD movie ,你要convert rmvb to DVD format. 建议使用 nero vision.
      如果你要data disc 用nero ekspress deault setting. 应该可以了。

2。 假设你要burn data disc. 你所谓的burn fail 是指 burn 到一半fail or cannot start burn? 有什么error message?
      如果你add file 到 burn window 时,有个x在你要burn 的 file icon 出现,nero 7 cannot support chinese.
      可以用 nero 6. Nero 6 没这个问题。
      如果burn 到一半才fail 很可能是你的DVDR 有问题。也有可能是你的DVD burner坏了。

3。 你用的是DVD+R or DVD-R?
      很可能是你的DVD burner 不  support. 需要更新firmware.
      try update ur LG DVD burner's firmware      
     我的ben Q DVD burner 买回来时就不能burn DVD-R(某些brand). Upgrade firmware 后就没有问题了。


admin :
Point 2 is very possible. The burner might be defected.

X-Seek 解決方案 4/6  [ 觀看下一個解決方案 ]  

最後編輯: joel80 : 2006-8-18 02:03 PM

hkbc_oldcake     Rank: 4Rank: 4
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註冊 2006-6-23
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發表於 2006-8-19 02:36 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Hi, I heard some users said Nero 7 is not good, it creates lots of the uncertain issues, so I would prefer you to use Nero 6.  DVD-R has higher compatibility on different DVD players, personally I also use DVD-R to burn movie.
Just one more reminding, if you use Nero 6, please uninstall Nero 7 first.

admin :
Thanks for telling us your experience with Nero 6 and 7.

X-Seek 解決方案 5/6  [ 觀看下一個解決方案 ]  

最後編輯: hkbc_oldcake : 2006-8-19 02:38 PM


xfuture     Rank: 3
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註冊 2006-6-23
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發表於 2006-8-22 07:23 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
係因為Nero 7 唔support 中文字..

我而家用緊 CopyToDVD... 可以去google search.. 有14日Trial... crack自己塭 :p
http://www.vso-software.fr/ <-- link

admin :
Thanks for recommending an alternative software that you have personally used.

X-Seek 解決方案 6/6   

最後編輯: xfuture : 2006-8-22 07:24 PM


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