台北阿虎,大家在忙碌的生活中,不免會以英文發貼,因為中文輸入較花時間。 但 mpiipm 貼子的內容,並無粗話呢! 請讓我代為翻譯, mpiipm 如我有翻譯錯誤,請更正。
mpiipm 於 2008-11-23 11:50 PM 發表
haha! 針對? 我施捨俾你既答覆is very simple: You think too much. I don't know you at all and i can't help if someone is plainly over-sensitive. You live a good life, then good for you. I welcome any comment and suggestion. Remember, if I offend anyone in anyway, i mean no harm. Life is tough enough, and I don't need to put more burden on meaningless matter. But you better think twice when u make your word choice. Likewise.
哈哈! 針對? 我施捨俾你既答覆 是很簡單的: 你想得太多了。 我根本不認識你,若然任何人純粹對事情過份敏感,我亦沒有辦法。 你有著一個美好人生,那好極了! 我歡迎任何意見及提議,如果我在任何言行中得罪了他人,我是無心的。 人生已夠艱難了,我不希望再加添無謂的負擔。 但請你在發言前先想清楚。我也會這樣做。