ah_cho 於 2009-7-2 17:19 發表
you are not the darkest in the world
my sis's bf's car crashed into another car because they had to avoid hitting the little girl crossing the street
when his car goes to repair shop, he got a rental car
the rental got hit n run too....
so dark.... twice car accidents in 2 weeks
第1單係自己車比人打橫直撞 (hit & run), 好彩當時蛋嫂唔係坐我車, 唔係就大件事啦! 之後揸架 rental car 唔夠 1個鐘, 又比人 running red light 撞到車頭都無埋! 仲要比rental card 間保險公司追數, 要我比錢整車先, 之後唔關我事先比返錢我!