MT 於 2009-9-13 10:46 PM 發表

the island is just disappeared and the ppl on the island where are they now ??
They didn't say what exactly does it mean by "moving the island". So instead of taking a wild guess, I patiently waited for Season 5.
MT 於 2009-9-13 10:51 PM 發表

icic i know why comes to Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 have 6 survivers
Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and baby Aaron
where are other ppl on the island ??
Now it makes sense why only 6 survivors have left the island! The rest did not die (some did, on the boat), they were "moved" with the island!!!! At that point i was guessing that the island was moved to a different location. Remember how the polar bear showed up on the island? It seems like things can be moved from one location to another.
MT 於 2009-9-13 10:54 PM 發表

is claire really dead ? didn't say ar ... but it's impossible for her to leave baby aaron in the jungle in the middle of the nite
what's going on ...
I forgot... what had happened to Claire in the jungle??? Can you refresh my memory?
MT 於 2009-9-13 10:57 PM 發表

what about dan and some other ppl ? they were on the way to the ship before the ship exploded (so jin and michael are dead

) luckly they didn't make it to the ship but then they were not on the island ar then the island disappeared

Michael's death was not too disappointing. But Jin's death was kind of sad!!
MT 於 2009-9-13 11:14 PM 發表

john locke in coffin he is dead ? why
and why his name is jeremy bentham ? who the hell is jeremy bentham ?? i am confused
That's another scene that blew my mind!! And imagined when Minnie and I watched it, we had to wait for half a year to see season 5!!! To answer your question, my guess was that John was using a fake name because he wasn't one of the 6 survivors of Oceanic 815 who were known to the world. To the outside world, he was dead in the crash. He somehow escaped from the island (which was a total surprise to me) and he could not use his real identity. Second guess was that he was not John, he was Jeremy Bentham. But I had not idea who that was.

If my first guess was right, then the questions are: 1) how did he escape? 2) how did he die?
In the flashfoward in last episode of Season 3 when Kate and Jack met at night, didn't they mention the name "Jeremy Bentham"??