MT 於 2009-8-20 07:46 PM 發表
in episode 9 why kate see black horse ?? and why all the sudden sawyer woke up and so emotional and wanna kill kate ? and why kate is so afraid of watching sawyer ????
Kate later in episode 9 believed that the Wayne's ghost possessed Sawyer's body, confesses aloud that she killed him. Wayne was her biological father that she killed in the flashback. (I read this from the wiki.) That's why Kate was scared of Sawyer for a moment.
Yeah it does not make sense for the black horse to show up on the island! But Charlie's comment was funny: "He replies that he has seen polar bears and heard monsters but never horses"
He is right, but then what is impossible on this island, right? polar bears, monsters, ghosts, why not horses?
Now my question is: are they real?? Kate could pat the horse in episode 9. So she didn't just see it, she could touch and feel it (or evening the touches and feeling was her imagination?). And I can only explain it using Ben's 心魔 theory.
MT 於 2009-8-20 08:05 PM 發表
what the ... that's walt ????
MT, yes! Weird!!!!
Ben, don't reveal anything in future episodes, but I cannot remember if they have explained this at all. Did I miss something or they still have not tell us in the 4 seasons u watched?