原帖由 mickeyGoUp 於 2006-9-29 08:22 發表
我以前都有呢個問題﹐都係用 linksys router﹐但我無用 BT Engine + NetLimiter。 我識得 d 朋友都有同樣問題﹐一 BT 就所有其他電腦都上唔到網 (唔只 IE 唔得)﹐但 bitcomet 就運作正常喎。
後來我轉左 ISP﹐ ...
絕對係linksys的問題, 因為我問過linksys, 但其他牌子又好似無佢咁稳定, 所以都係未轉, 而且依家個mimo n serial係好快, 但呢個係過渡產品, 正如以前的windows-me一樣, 所以都係等Q2/07, linksys有新product出嘛! 解決方法如下: (我就一樣解決唔到, 希望你得啦)
Thank you for contacting Linksys Technical Support.
The cause of the problem may be attributed to a possible problem with the firmware or an incorrect MTU setting. I suggest that you upgrade the router's firmware or reinstall it again if you are using the latest, and properly set the MTU size to ensure that this would work fine. Please follow the instructions below to resolve the problem.
You may download the firmware in the link below:
For the firmware update instructions, please click the link below.
Title: How to Upgrade the Firmware on a Linksys Router
After the firmware update, hard reset the router to make sure that the new firmware would take effect. Once the reset button is pressed, all the settings in the router would be wiped out and you have to set it up again to work with your ISP.
To hard reset the router, please follow the instructions below.
1. Make sure that the device is turned on.
2. Press and hold the reset button.
3. After 10 seconds, remove the power plug while the button is pressed.
4. Let go of the reset button and turn on the device.
If you are on a broadband cable connection, please setup the router by following the instructions in the appropriate link below.
Title: Setting up a Linksys Router with a Cable Modem and a Dynamic IP Address
http://linksys.custhelp.com/cgi- ... _created=1086911813
If you are on a DSL connection, please setup the router by following the instructions in the link below.
Title: How To Set Up PPPoE DSL Connections with a Linksys Router
http://linksys.custhelp.com/cgi- ... _created=1110937569
To customize the wireless settings of your network, please follow these instructions.
Step 1 - Accessing the Setup Page
1. Using a computer hardwired in the router, launch Internet Explorer.
2. In the address bar, type "".
3. A login prompt will appear, leave the username blank and use "admin" for the password.
Step 2 - Changing Basic Wireless Settings
1. Click "Wireless", a black tab.
2. Change the SSID to any word that doesn't contain spaces.
3. Change the channel. Recommended values are 1, 6, and 11.
4. Leave the other settings to defaults.
5. Jot down SSID and the channel.
6. Click "Save settings" button.
Step 3 - Setting up Wireless Security
1. Click "Wireless Security", a blue tab.
2. Set the security mode to WEP.
3. Type any word in the passphrase. Must not contain spaces.
4. Click "Generate".
5. Jot down key 1 and passphrase.
6. Click "Save settings" button.
If you are using a Linksys wireless adapter, please configure it to work in your network by following the instructions below.
Title: Configuring a Linksys Wireless Adapter
http://linksys.custhelp.com/cgi- ... _created=1086657104
If you are using a non-Linksys wireless adapter, please configure it to work in your network by following the instructions below.
Title: Configuring a Non-Linksys Wireless Adapter with a Linksys Wireless Network
http://linksys.custhelp.com/cgi- ... _created=1086653168
To adjust MTU settings, please follow instructions in the link below.
Title: Determining the Proper MTU size
http://linksys.custhelp.com/cgi- ... _created=1084210366
If it is still the same, please try to hardwire the computer directly in the broadband modem to check for intermittent connectivity. This will help us isolate if the problem is with the ISP connection or with our device. If it is still intermittent, please consult your ISP.
For more information, please refer to the router's manual or check our new knowledge base --
Once you get to the Knowledge Base section, either type in the Answer ID or the keywords under Search Text and click Search.
Hope this helps.
If you have further questions, please send us an E-mail at <mailto:
support@linksys.com so that we may further assist you.
Thank you and have a nice day.